At the end of the year, the French Coalition had the pleasure of welcoming and discussing their work in progress with the experts from UNESCO’s Reflection Group on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Digital Environment and the Secretary of the Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, Toussaint Tiendrebeogo.
Created in 2023, this think tank reflects Unesco’s commitment to grasping the changes in the contemporary cultural landscape. Bringing together 18 leading international researchers in fields as varied as international cooperation, copyright, entrepreneurship and cultural policies, they have been working on crucial issues for the future: how can we strengthen the promotion and discoverability of local and national cultural works on digital platforms? What impact will artificial intelligence have on the creative industries? Or how can we ensure the transparency of online platforms?
In February 2025 will take place the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, during which the experts will submit and present their conclusions at the next Intergovernmental Committee meeting.
This meeting, in which the French Coalition will be taking part, will be essential for thinking about and preparing the future of the Convention in a digital world that offers opportunities for better dissemination and creation, but also risks standardising creation, excessive concentration and weakening copyright.