In 2023, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity are launching their new website. New year, new site, new graphic identity: to mark the new year, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity, of which the Coalition is a member, are getting a makeover and boosting their visibility. Founded in 2005, the...
On 29 and 30 March, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD), of which the French Coalition is vice-chair, went to Brussels for a programme of meetings and exchanges. At the European Parliament, they had a long working meeting with the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG). The CCFG brings...
Last week, the Commissioners Mariya Gabriel in charge of Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Thierry Breton in charge of the Single Market have unveiled some measures to further help the cultural sector in a near future. The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) welcome the...
Today, the Members of the European Parliament adopted a resolution aiming at assessing the impact of the COVID19 crisis in the European Union and to set out recommendations to Member States and the European Commission. No doubt Members of the Parliament want to show solidarity and support Member States and...
Culture knows no borders. In this respect, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) would like to remind us all that the UK cultural sectors will remain part of the wider European cultural ecology despite Brexit. Even after Brexit and since the UK has ratified the UNESCO-Convention on the Protection...
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity are joining other cultural and creative organisations in asking the EU Commission president-elect to urgently refer to culture within the title of the Commissioner’s portfolio “Innovation and Youth”. The absence of the word “culture” would be a shocking and incomprehensible signal to give after...
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) wholeheartedly welcome the adoption of the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market by the European Parliament. After years of debates and heated campaigns, MEPs adopted yesterday a critical piece of legislation that aims at adapting the copyright to the digital world. The...
On June 26th, 2018, the ECCD held an event at the European Parliament in Brussels: “Next EU Budget: What About Culture and Creative Europe?”. The event was hosted by Mr WENTA MEP and chaired by Carole TONGUE, Chair of the ECCD. Three speakers were invited: Guy GYPENS, Director of Kaaitheater...
TRILOGUE DISCUSSIONS ON AVMS: SAME RULES FOR LINEAR AND VOD SERVICES Based on the European Commission’s proposal on the AVMS directive, the Council and the European Parliament (in its CULT Committee report) have endorsed article 13 § 2. This article enables Member States to require VOD services targeting audiences in...
On June 27, 2017, the ECCD held an event ot the European Parliament in Brussels: EU Film Diversity: its future on video-on-demand. The event was hosted by Mr Wenta MEP and chaired by Carole Tongue, President of the ECCD. Three speakers were invited: Peter DINGES, President of the EFADs, CEO of...
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity welcome the adoption of the Council’s position regarding the audiovisual media services directive. This important vote will give the go ahead for the EP to enter into a trilogy with the EU Commission and the Council of Ministers order to negotiate the final version...
The ECCD express their concern regarding the attempt of some Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to undermine the work that the co-rapporteurs and the CULT committee have carried out in order to draft a very important report for the audiovisual sector and the cultural diversity.