European Union
After the conference they organized in the European Parliament, with the support of Viviane Reding, former Vice President of the European Commission and member of the European Parliament, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity call for the relaunch of Europe for culture and creativity. After the vote for Brexit, popular...
In their letter recently addressed to the European Commissioner for Competition, Joaquin Almunia, the European Coalitions requested clarification on the revision of the General Block Exemption Regulation on state aid measures which shall grant a notification exemption to aids for culture and for audiovisual works. Addressing their concerns on the...
As European elections are getting close, the European coalitions for cultural diversity decided to approach the six candidates to the Commission Presidency to enquire about their respective positions on issues related to the defense and promotion of Culture. Particularly on the current negotiations of the Transatlantic Treaty with the United...
EU-US trade negotiations: the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity welcome the position of the European Parliament supporting cultural exception The European Parliament, gathered in Plenary session in Strasbourg, sent yesterday a very good signal to the Council by adopting at a wide majority (391 votes in favor; 191 against; 17...
The thirteen European coalitions wrote to M. Barroso to ask for the European Commission to respect its commitment to defend and promote the diversity of cultural expressions made when signing the 2005 UNESCO Convention. They urged him to obtain the exclusion of the cultural and audiovisual sector from the trade...
In their letter dated October 15th 2012, the European coalitions were urging Commissionner Piebalgs, in charge of development, to ensure that the development programs take culture into consideration and respect the terms of the 2005 UNESCO Convention. In his answer, M. Piebalgs confirmed the European Commission’s strong commitment for culture...
The network « On the Move » recently published a report on the mobility of artists, particularly on the difficulties faced by artists and cultural professionals when they want to enter the Schengen area (EU). This report is the result of a public survey conducted in 2012 and a seminar held in...
The organization We are more – act for culture in Europe has written a letter to the European Union Heads of State and Governments to address budgetary issues before decisions are made at the end of November by member States. To read and sign the letter
UNESCO has launched an international consultation and coordination on Art 21 for the promotion of the convention in international forum.
Many personnalities of the world of culture throughout Europe have already signed the open letter to Mr Barroso urging the European commission to adopt a cultural policy fostering culture and cultural diversity in Europe. The first signatories
Upon the initiative of the European coalitions for cultural diversity, the culture professionals are addressing an open letter to Mr Barroso so as to remind the European Commission of the urgent need to defend strong commitments in favour of culture. Open letter and petition Read the European Commission’s answer (French...
A rather unsatisfactory answer from the European Trade Commissioner Mrs Trüpel and Mrs Kammerevert, German eurodeputies who are following up on culture and trade negotiations have put forward two written questions to European Trade Commisioner Karel de Gucht. The questions dealt with the treatment of the cultural sector in the...