Press Release
In 2024, the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity has decided to honour the woman of letters Fatou Diome, in recognition of her commitment to cultural diversity. The Coalition is also recognising the Cartooning for Peace organisation for its work to promote cultural diversity and support gender equality through its ‘Draw...
As the European Union decides in the coming days on the main principles of artificial intelligence, we reaffirm the absolute necessity of placing ethics at the heart of the action of public authorities in the supervision of these new technologies. Our future depends on it. In this respect, and particularly...
As the examination of the draft European regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) draws to a close, the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity is calling on France to speak out strongly in favour of regulation that truly protects creation, copyright and related rights. The recent announcements by the Minister of Culture,...
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity is part of the pan-European community of 110 networks and associations, calling on the Member States with the support of the European Commission to fully integrate culture in their national recovery and resilience plans, allocating at the very least 2% of the EU Recovery...
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ENDORSES THE COPYRIGHT DIRECTIVE: A GREAT SUPPORT FOR THE EUROPEAN CREATION Last Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted its position on the copyright directive in the Digital Single Market with a comfortable majority. The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) are delighted at this vote that will open...
AVMS DIRECTIVE: THE ECCD WELCOME THE AGREEMENT ON SUBTANCE The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) wholeheartedly welcome the agreement on the substantial rules of the Audiovisual Media Services directive (AVMS). The measures endorsed by the three European institutions on article 13 will strengthen the protection and promotion of...
In an letter send to the European Commission and co-signed by the European Coalition for Cultural Diversity with 66 other European organisations, the European cultural sector is urging the European Commission to increase significantly the EU budget dedicated to culture Read the letter: Boosting the EU culture budget – A...
The ECCD welcomes the end of the trilogue’s discussions regarding the proposal for a regulation against unjustified geoblocking within the internal market and the exclusion of cultural services from its scope. This regulation was proposed by the European Commission in May 2016 as part of the Digital Single Market strategy....
On June 27, 2017, the ECCD held an event ot the European Parliament in Brussels: EU Film Diversity: its future on video-on-demand. The event was hosted by Mr Wenta MEP and chaired by Carole Tongue, President of the ECCD. Three speakers were invited: Peter DINGES, President of the EFADs, CEO of...
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity welcome the adoption of the Council’s position regarding the audiovisual media services directive. This important vote will give the go ahead for the EP to enter into a trilogy with the EU Commission and the Council of Ministers order to negotiate the final version...
The ECCD express their concern regarding the attempt of some Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to undermine the work that the co-rapporteurs and the CULT committee have carried out in order to draft a very important report for the audiovisual sector and the cultural diversity.
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity congratulate the co-rapporteurs Sabine Verheyen and Petra Kammerevert, from the Committee on Culture and Education at the European Parliament, for their draft report on the Audiovisual Media Services directive. The text shows ambition in wishing to truly promote the European works and to reinforce...