Cultural Diversity Prizes
Since 2011, the French coalition for cultural diversity rewards each year personalities who have been particularly active in defending and promoting cultural diversity as well as an organization or an initiative which contributes to wide access to culture and to the diversity of cultural expressions: music, theatre, circus, cinema, plastic arts…
The call for applications was launched in early June and a jury of eight representatives of French Coalition member organizations met in late September to select the winners. They receive their awards at an official ceremony in December.
To participate the project needs to be predominantly in French. For more information, you can read the conditions of participation in French on this website.

Terms of participation
- The organizing structure must be committed to the defense and promotion of cultural diversity. It must have been in existence for at least three years and present a brief history of the actions it has organized to demonstrate its experience and sustainability.
- The actions can be multidisciplinary or concern only one discipline (music, street arts, theater, choreography, cinema, plastic arts…)
- The actions must be aimed at a varied public or encourage access to a public with little exposure to culture
- The prize is open to any event organized in France or abroad, as long as it leaves a large place to French-speaking expression
- The organizing structure is required to respect copyright and social obligations.
- Organizations whose candidacy was not accepted one year may apply again another year. Any winning organization will not be able to apply again for a period of 5 years.