At the end of the year, the French Coalition had the pleasure of welcoming and discussing their work in progress with the experts from UNESCO’s Reflection Group on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Digital Environment and the Secretary of the Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the...
The French Coalition for Cultural Diversity is sounding the alarm as the trade negotiations launched in 2017 by 71 member states of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to establish standards for e-commerce accelerate, posing a major risk to the future of cultural diversity in the digital age. During the negotiations...
The General Assembly of the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD), which brings together more than 30 national coalitions, met in Paris on 5 June to elect the 6 members of its Board of Directors for 2023-2025. The following were elected Guillaume Prieur, representing the French Coalition for...
On 15 June, the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity presented the 2020 and 2021 Diversity Prizes in the SACD garden. Nabil Ayouch, the 2021 winner, received an honorary prize in recognition of his career as a filmmaker and activist. The director is indeed a committed filmmaker in Morocco, despite protests...
The Nordic Councils of Artists, which represent over 90,000 professional artists from different art disciplines in the Nordic countries – recently issued a statement in which they call for the respect of the 2005 UNESCO Convention and for “ a clear exemption of cultural services” from the negotiations of the ...
European culture is in the midst of a crisis. How decision-makers choose to respond now will set the scene for the next decade of cultural and creative life in our union. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, theatres, cinemas, music halls, museums and other venues of cultural expression have...
On 29 and 30 March, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD), of which the French Coalition is vice-chair, went to Brussels for a programme of meetings and exchanges. At the European Parliament, they had a long working meeting with the Cultural Creators Friendship Group (CCFG). The CCFG brings...
The European Parliament has adopted yesterday with a large majority the own-initiative reports of Monica Semedo MEP on the situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU and of Dace Melbārde MEP on Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: an Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation. The...
The cultural and artistic sectors, the source of so much joy, inspiration, and moral support during this long year of the pandemic, have suffered a crushing blow. The artists, authors, musicians, and other creators and creative workers have seen their jobs disappear with revenues maybe never to return. Venues, touring,...
The EU Member States and the European Parliament agreed yesterday on the next EU long-term budget (2021-2027). This budget is of a particular importance as it will help the Union to recover from the sanitary crisis. As part of the EU Budget, the Member States and the European Parliament agreed...
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity is part of the pan-European community of 110 networks and associations, calling on the Member States with the support of the European Commission to fully integrate culture in their national recovery and resilience plans, allocating at the very least 2% of the EU Recovery...
The European Commission unveiled last Wednesday its plan for the EU for financial recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. We welcome the historical proposal of the European Commission to allow the EU to borrow on the financial markets and thus relieve the pressure on Member States to directly support their economies. However, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) considers...