The European Coalitions request clarifications and guarantees/ensurances on the autonomy and the funding of the Media and Culture strands Read the press release
Many personnalities of the world of culture throughout Europe have already signed the open letter to Mr Barroso urging the European commission to adopt a cultural policy fostering culture and cultural diversity in Europe. The first signatories
Upon the initiative of the European coalitions for cultural diversity, the culture professionals are addressing an open letter to Mr Barroso so as to remind the European Commission of the urgent need to defend strong commitments in favour of culture. Open letter and petition Read the European Commission’s answer (French...
The European coalitions for cultural diversity, with the participation of the European Platform on the potential of cultural and creative industries invite you to a Conference Culture, an added value for Europe Tuesday January 31st, 2012 from 12:00 to 14:30 (lunch) Library Solvay (Rue Belliard 137, 1040 Bruxelles) What do...
A rather unsatisfactory answer from the European Trade Commissioner Mrs Trüpel and Mrs Kammerevert, German eurodeputies who are following up on culture and trade negotiations have put forward two written questions to European Trade Commisioner Karel de Gucht. The questions dealt with the treatment of the cultural sector in the...
A study on the implementation of the cultural provisions of the Economic Partnership Agreement has been released The European centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) has released a study on the implementation of the cultural provisions of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed by the EU and the Cariforum countries in...
The European Commission disclaims any risk for cultural diversity In reply to a question from Euro-deputy Kader Arif, relaying the concerns of the cultural sector regarding the integration of cultural and audiovisual services in the EU / Canada trade agreement, Commissioner Karel de Gucht, in charge of Trade, disclaims there...
Sweden has joined the European coalitions for cultural diversity movement which now counts 13 countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Slovaquia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom) « We are very pleased to see our Swedish friends join our movement”, said Beat Santschi, the President of the...
UNESCO launches an international call for experts in the framework of the EU/UNESCO technical assistance project aimed at strengthening the system of governance for culture in developing countries. Nationals from countries having ratified the 2005 Convention are eligible to apply. Applications from experts from developing countries are strongly encouraged. Professionals...
This session was held à Paris from November 29th to December 3rd. Read the summary record
On the occasion of the Fourth ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Committee, the UNESCO launched a publication called “Mapping Cultural Diversity – Good Practices from Around the Globe”. This is the result of the collaborative work of the Asia-Europe Foundation and the German Commission for UNESCO with contributions from the...
With the support of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity is organising on November 17, 2010 a round table “Review and Prospects” with the participation of many institutionals and artists. Read the program and summary of the debates