The European coalitions for cultural diversity contributed to the consultation launched by the European commission (DG Culture) last April on cultural and creative industries. Read the contribution the Green paper
The European coalitions for cultural diversity contributed to the European Commission’s (DG Trade) on the EU’s future trade policy. They called on the Commission (both DG TRADE and DG EAC) to develop a specific strategy for CCPs in order to ensure the autonomy of the cultural negotiation and the implementation...
UNESCO decided to fund two projects submitted by groups associated to the international movement of Coalitions for cultural diversity Read the IFCCD press release
Over the last few months, the French coalition for cultural diversity, together with other professionals of the audiovisual industry, has been strongly mobilized against the automatic attachment of a Cultural Cooperation Protocol to the trade agreements presently negotiated by the EU. The French coalition has been invited to participate to...
On the occasion of their last meeting in Paris, on October 23rd 2009, the European coalitions for cultural diversity have issued a set of Resolutions calling for concrete actions for the implementation of the UNESCO Convention so as to insure the protection and promotion of culture on national as well...
A year after the Swiss ratification of the UNESCO Convention, the Swiss Committee for UNESCO and the Swiss coalition for cultural diversity presented in Bern a catalogue of proposals established by sixty experts in the fields of music, cinema, visual arts and cultural heritage, theatre and dance, education, medias, international...
Organised on 18th may 2009 by the CNC on the occasion of the 62nd International Film Festival in Cannes, this debate was lead by Christine Albanel, French minister of Culture and Communication ; Anne-Marie Idrac, Secretary of State – External Trade ; Ignasi Guardans Cambó, Director of the ICAA (Spain)...
The European coalitions for cultural diversity are mobilised against the systematic attachment of a cultural cooperation protocol to the bilateral free trade negotiations conducted by the European Commission, and request the setting up of a general negotiating strategy to be specifically designed for culture. Read the declaration issued at the...
The European coalitions wrote a letter to the President of the European Commission, M. Barroso, urging him to intervene in order to dissociate the Protocol of Cultural Cooperation from the Free Trade agreement negotiations now being held with Korea. Read the letter and the comments of the European coalitions on...
The French Coalition for cultural diversity objects to audiovisual services being used as a trade-off in commercial negotiations. The French coalition for cultural diversity expressed its concerns with regards to the advancing negotiations between the European Union and Korea on a free trade agreement and its attached cultural cooperation protocol. Eager to...
Pascal Rogard, President of the French coalition for cultural diversity, wrote to Catherine Aston, External Trade Commissioner and to Viviane Reding, Information and Media Society Commissioner to express its concern about the advancing negotiations of a cultural trade agreement with Korea which could threaten the European audiovisual industry. Read Catherine...
The French coalition for cultural diversity has published “Cultural policies in France” which provides a non exhaustive inventory of the main policies set up in France in support of the various cultural sectors (visual arts, audiovisual and cinema, books, music and performing arts). This brochure can also be downloaded in...