Initially created in 1997 to oppose the OECD’s Multilateral Agreement on Investment (M.A.I.), the French Coalition for Cultural Diversity federates professional cultural organisations (cinema, television, performing arts, music, graphic arts, multimedia) and defends cultural diversity endangered by international trade.
The Coalition coordinates the objectives which the professional organisations wish to defend with French, European and international authorities:
- a social and economic environment favourable to the emergence of creative talents and the expression of diversity of creation in all forms,
- the capacity of states and state groups to set up, develop and adapt their cultural policies in every sector,
- keep culture outside the scope of international trade agreements and trade liberalising commitments within the WTO framework,
The French Coalition is a founding member of the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD) created in September 2007 and the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity created in 2005.
The association is supported by the French Film Institute (CNC) and the French Ministry of Culture.

Actions undertaken

2005 UNESCO Convention
Together with other Coalitions in the world, the French Coalition has played a major role in the various stages leading to the drafting and the adoption on October 20, 2005 of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and, later, in the ratification process which led to its coming into force on March 18, 2007. As the Federation’s permanent representative to UNESCO in Paris, the French Coalition takes an active part in the implementation and the monitoring of the Convention.

In particular, the French Coalition organises several conferences and events in order to draw the attention of the decision makers on the issues at stake for cultural diversity and to promote the principles of the Convention. La Coalition française promeut auprès des autorités publiques les principes de la Convention de 2005 de l’UNESCO. Elle reste également vigilante sur les politiques adoptées en France et en Europe, et notamment sur les évolutions liées au numérique.

With the International Federation, the French supports the mobilisation of cultural professionals throughout the world and the creation of new national Coalitions. Elle encourage en effet la coopération entre les organisations professionnelles de la culture afin qu’elles adoptent des stratégies communes dans la défense de leurs intérêts.

The French coalition coordinates the activities of the European coalitions for cultural diversity which aim to mobilise European professional organisations and to make European authorities aware of the interest of cultural professionals when treating issues within European competence which impact on culture, particularly trade negotiations. Leurs missions visent à mobiliser les organisations professionnelles européennes et à défendre auprès des autorités européennes les intérêts du secteur, dès lors que l’action de l’Union européenne a un impact sur la culture, notamment dans le cadre des négociations commerciales.
Board of Directors
The Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (SACD) provides the secretariat of the association. The SACD, as a non-profit civil society founded by the authors gathered around Beaumarchais in 1777, aims to defend the rights of authors of audiovisual, web and live performance, to accompany them individually and to support the creation.
Our members




France Télévisions

Guilde Française des Scénaristes